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Coaches Corner


We have had a massive influx of volunteer registrations and currently closed the application. While we appreciate all the parents who want to assist and help this season, the decision of who gets each of the four allotted team badges is up to the Manager of each team.

Managers, please email your Commissioner by the end of the week the the three additional badged coaches/dugout assistant you want printed. Please indicate if they have filled out an application/background check and badge form or not.


2024 Manager, Coach, Volunteer Registration Request

This is the link for all volunteers to request a registration and complete their background checks. Please fill out this form, and our Director of Managers and Coaches will send you a link to initiate the process.

Concussion Training

This is the CA mandated concussion training all volunteers must take before being issued a BPBL Badge.

Coach/Volunteer Badge Request Form

Once you have completed Concussion training and have a head shot suitable for your badge, please fill out this form to get your badge processed.

Don't forget, all staff on fields MUST wear their BPBSL Badge at ALL TIMES!...

Coach's Handbook:

This handbook has been written by multiple coaches, managers, and volunteers of the BPBL. It's meant to be used to help new coaches/managers and veteran's alike!

Lineup sheet:

This lineup sheet will help you keep track of which players are available to pitch, when they were in the infield, and what positions they will be in later.


Keep communication with your team all season long! Handles schedules, snack duties, players attendance and more!

Baseball Drills

A good site for practice drills and ideas

Scorekeeping Page